First Project Meeting in Madrid

During the last week of September 2024, the RF2.0 consortium came together for its first in-person project meeting. This event took place at University Carlos III in Madrid, which was also the venue for the 7th ESSRI (Energy for Sustainable Science at Research Infrastructures) Workshop that commenced later during that week.

A total of 21 consortium members participated, either in person or virtually, to review the progress of each of the active work packages and discuss planned actions.

The coordinator and the Project Manager provided a detailed overview from both management and technical point of views. For those work packages that haven’t started yet, the current state of research was presented, along with updates since the kick-off meeting.

At the time of the meeting, the RF2.0 consortium had completed the first work package and achieved the first project milestone.
From a scientific point of view, this involved identifying key technologies for improving energy efficiency in accelerators.

The tasks performed comprised:

– Assessing the energy-saving potential of existing materials, components and technologies.
– Defining sustainable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) through surveys from both shareholders and external research institutions.
– Preparing detailed plans for the implementation of the four demonstrator projects.

During the meeting, the consortium decided to open the survey for other institutions outside the consortium and to treat deliverables D1.1 and D1.2 as live documents.

On the second day of the meeting, the project members had time to discuss the points raised on the first day in dedicated break-out sessions. At the end, risk assessments, associated mitigation measures and next steps were defined for each active work package.

The partners appreciated the opportunity for discussions and continued their interactions during the ESSRI workshop. Everyone is looking forward to the next face-to-face meeting, which is planned for March 2025 and will be hosted by CERN.

Break-out sessions

