The long-term Impact
of the RF2.0 project
Wider impact (long-term)
- Acceptance of proposed solutions by society and communities
- Training of research infrastructure staff
- European SME innovative ecosystem
Target group 1
Research facilities
Actors: Particle accelerators, data centres, medical facilities, other ESFRI and ERIC operators
Target group 2
Energy utilities and system operators
Actors: Grid operators (TenneT), engineering companies, national network regulators
Expected impact:
- Electricity costs reduction
- 100% renewable energy supply
- Fully digitalised infrastructure
- Lower GHG emissions from planning to dismissal
- Reduction of material and resource usage during the facility lifetime
Expected impact:
- Power flexibility strategies for accelerators and computing centres to reduce consumption
- Increased power quality performance of electrical grids connected to facilities
Target group 3
European policymakers, regulators, society
Public and private facilities, policymakers,
standardisation bodies, general public
Target group 4
Manufacturers and technology providers
Actors: Manufacturers, software and AI companies, High-tech SMEs
Expected impact:
- Higher awareness of sustainable energy solutions
- Training of public managers and operators by means of demonstrators, schools and workshops
- Reduction of operation costs for public (hospitals, schools) and private (industry) facilities
- Provision of open access data and benchmark results
- Guidelines for future research facility sustainability and efficiency requirements
Expected impact:
- Novel permanent magnets and
Solid-State Amplifier solutions.
→ Increased TRL and lower energy consumption - Engage European innovative SME.
→ Facilitate idea transfer from project to market (e.g. for Phasor Measurement Units)
Wider impact (long-term)
- Acceptance of proposed solutions by society and communities
- Training of research infrastructure staff
- European SME innovative ecosystem
Target group 1
Research facilities
Actors: Particle accelerators, data centres, medical facilities, other ESFRI and ERIC operators
Target group 2
Energy utilities and system operators
Actors: Grid operators (TenneT), engineering companies, national network regulators
Expected impact:
- Electricity costs reduction
- 100% renewable energy supply
- Fully digitalised infrastructure
- Lower GHG emissions from planning to dismissal
- Reduction of material and resource usage during the facility lifetime
Expected impact:
- Power flexibility strategies for accelerators and computing centres to reduce consumption
- Increased power quality performance of electrical grids connected to facilities
Target group 3
European policymakers, regulators, society
Public and private facilities, policymakers,
standardisation bodies, general public
Target group 4
Manufacturers and technology providers
Actors: Manufacturers, software and AI companies, High-tech SMEs
Expected impact:
- Higher awareness of sustainable energy solutions
- Training of public managers and operators by means of demonstrators, schools and workshops
- Reduction of operation costs for public (hospitals, schools) and private (industry) facilities
- Provision of open access data and benchmark results
- Guidelines for future research facility sustainability and efficiency requirements
Expected impact:
- Novel permanent magnets and
Solid-State Amplifier solutions.
→ Increased TRL and lower energy consumption - Engage European innovative SME.
→ Facilitate idea transfer from project to market (e.g. for Phasor Measurement Units)
Wider impact (long-term)
- Acceptance of proposed solutions by society and communities
- Training of research infrastructure staff
- European SME innovative ecosystem
Target group 1
Research facilities
Actors: Particle accelerators, data centres, medical facilities, other ESFRI and ERIC operators
Expected impact:
- Electricity costs reduction
- 100% renewable energy supply
- Fully digitalised infrastructure
- Lower GHG emissions from planning to dismissal
- Reduction of material and resource usage during the facility lifetime
Target group 2
Energy utilities and system operators
Actors: Grid operators (TenneT), engineering companies, national network regulators
Expected impact:
- Power flexibility strategies for accelerators and computing centres to reduce consumption
- Increased power quality performance of electrical grids connected to facilities
Target group 3
European policymakers, regulators, society
Public and private facilities, policymakers,
standardisation bodies, general public
Expected impact:
- Higher awareness of sustainable energy solutions
- Training of public managers and operators by means of demonstrators, schools and workshops
- Reduction of operation costs for public (hospitals, schools) and private (industry) facilities
- Provision of open access data and benchmark results
- Guidelines for future research facility sustainability and efficiency requirements
Target group 4
Manufacturers and technology providers
Actors: Manufacturers, software and AI companies, High-tech SMEs
Expected impact:
- Novel permanent magnets and
Solid-State Amplifier solutions.
→ Increased TRL and lower energy consumption - Engage European innovative SME.
→ Facilitate idea transfer from project to market (e.g. for Phasor Measurement Units)